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Five Bills For Better Mountain Biking

Five Bills For Better Mountain Biking

Tell Congress to take action today!

Posted: December 11, 2018
Photo courtesy of: The Upper Buffalo Headwaters IMBA EPIC, made possible by LWCF

Mountain bikers have a rare opportunity to pass important legislation to create, enhance and protect the places we ride by December 21, and this is our last good chance to tell our representatives to act. Congress is working on a package of outdoor recreation bills, many of which IMBA has helped craft and has advocated for throughout this legislative session. It's time to get these bills across the finish line. Please contact your representatives below and tell them time is running out—you demand action for outdoor recreation!


The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is a popular, bipartisan program that funds great outdoor recreation opportunities all across the country. IMBA has advocated for LWCF since 1997. Eight IMBA EPICS, from Arkansas to Montana to Wisconsin, have been made possible through LWCF. Congress let the fund expire September 30, and it loses $2.5 million per day without reauthorization.

The Recreation Not Red Tape Act (RNR) will add recreation to the missions of more federal agencies, will strengthen volunteer partnerships and will create bike-friendly national recreation areas, among other benefits. IMBA worked to shape key components of the RNR Act. This is the best bill for more mountain biking introduced this Congress.

The Restore Our Parks and Public Lands Act will create a fund to address the multi-billion dollar maintenance backlog on our public lands. This fund would help support better maintenance for trails, trailheads and campgrounds, and offers a thoughtful solution to the fast-growing problem of deferred maintenance.

The Every Kid Outdoors Act will provide all fourth graders (and three adult friends) with free access to public lands and waters. It expands the opportunity for children and their families to experience and appreciate our iconic public lands, trails and waterways.

The RTP Full Funding Act stands for Recreational Trails Program, which sources funds from the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) and provides those funds to states for recreation projects. This bipartisan bill will better analyze revenue, revenue opportunities and reporting from the HTF in order to streamline the funding process and improve distribution of funds to states.

All these bills have bipartisan support and many have made substantial progress. But your current lawmakers need to know they are a priority to get across the finish line, right now. It is crucial that they hear from you. Thank you for being an awesome advocate!


About the author
2024 Eleanor Blick, Director of Communications, headshot

Eleanor (she/her) wants everyone to have a safe and welcoming space to ride bikes. While working in journalism and nonprofits in the Midwest, Eleanor led volunteer efforts with Big Marsh Bike Park, co-founded the Chicago Women’s CX Fund, and worked with city youth programs to get more kids on…

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