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Trails are where we spend time with our people, find our flow, and keep our skills sharp. Riding opportunities are growing in more places and for all skill levels, at a pace that’s unprecedented. Riders and trail champions have been pulling together, and we’ve proven we can get amazing things done when we collaborate! 

One way to keep that momentum going is to join or renew with your IMBA Local Member Organization – they know your local riding scene, what the community needs and who to assemble to make it happen. 

If you want to help support more great local riding, one way you can help right now is to join your nearest IMBA Org, or more than one if you want. Since IMBA introduced the multi-membership option, some folks are joining other riding communities in addition to boosting their close to home trails. 

Tri-state Mountain Bike Riders (TMBR)

Thank you for considering supporting local trails in the tri-state area. Your membership not only funds trail maintenance and development but also strengthens our advocacy when applying for grants and working with elected officials.


What We Do

Our members are actively involved in:

  • Organizing Volunteer Events: Join us in hands-on trail maintenance and community projects.
  • Grant Writing: Help us secure funding for new projects and improvements.
  • Civic Engagement: Communicate with local leaders to promote outdoor recreation.
  • Digital Outreach: Maintain our social media and website to keep everyone informed and engaged.

Who Benefits

While mountain biking is our primary focus, the trials we maintain are open to the public and shared with many others including:

  • Hikers
  • Trail runners
  • Conservationists
  • Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
  • Nature enthusiasts

Advocates from all walks of life are welcome to join and support!


Our Trail Systems

We currently maintain the following trail systems:

  • Proving Grounds
  • Cloie Creek Park
  • Interstate Power Preserve
  • The Hirsch Farm


Member Benefits:

Joining TMBR comes with exclusive benefits:

10% off parts and accessories at local bike shops:

  • Freeflight
  • Bicycle World
  • Bike Shack

20% off Farside Bike Park season passes at Chestnut Mountain

20% off Triple D Winter Race registrations



Get Involved

TMBR offers a variety of ways to engage with the community:

  • Weekly group rides
  •  Trail maintenance days
  • Monthly meetings
  • Annual events

All events and opportunities are posted on our website's event calendar. If you don't have time to pitch in, that's okay. The TMBR member/supporter program is an easy way to also be part of the community effort.


Support Our Mission

100% of these funds support our trails and administrative cost of running the TMBR organization. Your contribution makes a direct impact on the trails you love and use.

Thank you for considering joining TMBR. Sign up today and become a part of our dedicated community!

-TMBR Board


TMBR's purpose is to be the catalyst that transforms the tri-state area into a destination for Midwest mountain biking tourism.
