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Trails 2024

Trails are where we spend time with our people, find our flow, and keep our skills sharp. Riding opportunities are growing in more places and for all skill levels, at a pace that’s unprecedented. Riders and trail champions have been pulling together, and we’ve proven we can get amazing things done when we collaborate! 

One way to keep that momentum going is to join or renew with your IMBA Local Member Organization – they know your local riding scene, what the community needs and who to assemble to make it happen. 

If you want to help support more great local riding, one way you can help right now is to join your nearest IMBA Org, or more than one if you want. Since IMBA introduced the multi-membership option, some folks are joining other riding communities in addition to boosting their close to home trails. 

Remember: when you join or renew, you'll be entered to win one of several prize packs of fantastic gear and experiences. Please note that sweepstakes are not available in NY or RI due to state regulations.

Join today to enter to win amazing prizes donated by IMBA corporate partners! These organizations believe in the hard work that IMBA Local Partners do, and they have generously stepped up with awesome prizes:

See the full rules.

SORBA Middle Tennessee

Since 2005, SORBA Mid-TN has led the effort to create, enhance, preserve, and ride what Middle TN has to offer for the off-road bicycle community. Middle Tennessee has seen a large expansion in the mountain biking community over the past 10+ years, and in order to keep that momentum up, we need continue growing our membership. Building and maintaining trails requires tools, equipment, lumber, drainage pipe, and the list could go on. 


Memberships start at $39/year, dues are split between SORBA Mid-TN, SORBA (Main), and IMBA. For that reason, if you plan to give above $100 we'd prefer you join here at a base level and then donate additional funds directly to SORBA Mid-TN. That will keep 100% of your funds in the Middle Tennessee area. You may also consider joining on a monthly basis. This ensures that you're entered into each contest that may come up throughout the year.


By becoming a member, you'll also be included on quarterly emails, so you can stay up-to-date with planned SORBA Mid-TN events, trail developments, and other local cycling-related news. We've expanded our reach significantly over the past ten years, but let's not stop there! 2009 to 2020 SORBA Mid-TN Trails
