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IMBA Local Member Organizations are member-based groups focused on trails, access, rides and social events on close-to-home trails. IMBA works with IMBA Local partners to support and enhance trail building, advocacy and organizational efforts.

IMBA’s vision is to build the quality and quantity of mountain biking communities by supporting and empowering local leadership. We want to help communities build a base of knowledgeable and capable advocates and stewards.

How can you help? Support your nearest chapter, or more than one if you like – individuals can have up to 10 chapter memberships. It's an easy and rewarding way to support the team that knows your local trails.

Boulder Mountainbike Alliance (BMA)

Being a Boulder Mountainbike Alliance member comes with perks, including:

$5 off every order at the BMA merch store

20% off 1 purchase per year at Stio 

10% off at Full Cycle at both the bar and bike shop (excluding service and bikes)

$150 discount on any stay at Quartz Point Ranch

30% off first year of Trailforks Pro

40% off CatEye products off their website

Discounted price for BMA Skills Clinics led by IMBA Certified Instructors

10% off services at Colorado Sports Chiropractic 

25% off a 1 year subscription to Training Peaks Premium Athlete edition

30% off Timberbells

Free Knobby Weekends

Food and drinks on us at BMA’s annual Membership Party

Stay updated by signing up for BMA emails (and check your spam or promotions folder if you aren't seeing them). Sign up here.

BMA's mission is to serve as a positive voice for mountain biking in the greater Boulder Colorado area by improving the trail experience for all users through social rides and events, advocacy, and trail building. To fulfill this mission, the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance works towards three major goals:

Create a Community of Mountain Bikers: Part of creating sustainable trails is ensuring that there will always be a community around to care for and advocate for those trails. BMA can't do its job without a community of bikers who understand and support our mission. And we build that community around a shared love of trails, then back it up with fun social events and group rides.

Advocate for Trail Access: Originally established in 1991 as the Boulder Offroad Alliance (BOA), Boulder Mountainbike Alliance was formed in response to the closure of nearly every trail in the Boulder area to mountain bikes. This group became the only representative organization for mountain bikers who wanted the right to ride legally in Boulder again.

BMA has made great strides toward achieving better trails for Boulder County, achieving numerous advocacy successes, but there's always more to do, we rely on your help to do it. 

Build and Maintain Trails: Our goal isn't to create as many trails as possible. Instead, our aim is to create quality trails that are both fun and sustainable, trails that will pass on our love of singletrack to future generations. BMA has developed a small army of crew leaders trained in sustainable trail building design and maintenance, and every year enlists our members and fans to work on the trails we love to ride, donating thousands of volunteer hours to the trails in Boulder County.

IMBA supports BMA through membership management and other administration activities, freeing our volunteers' time to do more work on trails, community and fun.
